Sunday, May 3, 2009

Siao or ???

I don't know why this few day I will feel that tomorrow is Monday...
Is because of I like "Monday" or "my college"...
Maybe I think too much...
Or really "siao" liao...
Whatever la...
The most important thing is that I didn't wasting time to do other unnecessary thing...

I know le...
I feeling in love with my college liao...
cham lo...
But never mind...
Because most of the people also like the campus...
I already find some of the reason, Why mot of the people like go campus...

This is because the campus can play ping pong and the most important point is "the student council have the teamwork"...
Why I say like this????
Because the student council start doing everything together, chat together, or even eat also together...
You see...
This is the reason Why I like my college life now...
Let me take one example...
For example, the Installation Night.... This Installation Night really make people feel headache, because keep change change... But we came to do thing... We all will pretend our teamwork out...
Like yesterday morning, we do the banner together... First at all, we don't feel it is beautiful... But after finish paint, it look very nice... It show out our teamwork... It is really fun...
And one more thing is... When finish doing the banner, all of us discuss go where having lunch... Then some say go Elsie house, and some say other place... Finally, we still make the decision go Elsie house having lunch... When reach her house, Her father get the prawn and fish out... At the time, we feel very "bu hao yi shi"... Because we came her house is having mee and not the prawn or fish... After that, we go buy the Pizza from the Pizza Hut... Because must "chia" Elsie eat also... When we come back from the Pizza Hut, Elsie almost finish cook the fish... Then we eat togehter and chat together...
Ah har... Ek Han sister call him... Why??? For asking about the hotel thing... Then I say later will call her back... Because I still not sure whether choose the RM135.70 or RM150... But suddenly, Eunice, Ah Lai, & Elsie say want to go Sabah too... Then we disccuss disccuss.... Finally, they make the decision by say:"Monday will make the decision..." Hahaha... When i listen this, I was feel very happy... Because Student Council will also go travel together o...

***I will waiting for this day...

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