Tuesday, July 7, 2009


What is friendship????
Have anyone know, what is Friendship???
What is real meaning of friendship????

Sometime, I feel friendship is very important...
And sometime I feel that friendship make my life become dark & sad...
I know that friendship is very important in our daily life...
But sometime I really can't accept it...
This is because when you try to trust your friend, but he/she will make you feel upset...
I really don't like this kind of problem...
I just hope everyone of us can spread out his/her own problem or opinion...
Because this can build our relationship and not affected the relationship...
When care about the relationship....
But he/she will say that you didn't care about the relationship...
Actually, this really make me feel confuses and sad...
This is because I don't know whether he/she is really care about the relationship or not...
I think I need to put effort to take care of this relationship...
I don't want make the thing become worst...
Which can make me and he/she relationship become bad....
I will do my best to save the relationship and hope he/she will do so....
Because this relationship we need build it together....
Without one of the member....
Sure the relationship will also break....
One energy is not enough, need a lot energy will be more sufficient...

SomeThing WroNg

I don't know why this few day, I feel that....
some changing....
Suddenly feel can't accept it....
Because this is really big CHANGING...
Which make myself feel uncomfortable...
This few week, I didn't go out...
Just like......... (don't know how to say)
I hope I can cope with it....

Monday, July 6, 2009

New Style

This few week, I just feel that I have a bit "change"...
This is because I less talking with my friend...
Most of the time talk with the CF member and "some friends"...
This make me feel strange...
Because this is not my style o...
Why suddenly I change become like that???
Wah... Really siao o....
But this good also...
Because I can think positive now...
When I start join the CF club...
Maybe this CF make my life change...
Hehehe... ^^
Actually myself not really know whether I have change or not!!!
But I have feel that I less thinking negative and a bit hardworking...
Hope I can stay like this... ^^

This coming Friday, the CF will be official opening...
I already wait this day coming for so long le...
I can feel that....
Everyone will enjoy it....
Because have a lot activity....
Which can make everyone feel "high"...
Hopefully this opening ceremony will work successfully...
I will pray for it...